
How Infrared Imaging Can Detect HVAC Issues

Your heating and cooling system is one of the most important systems in your home. It’s also one of the more expensive systems to maintain. Still, you want to make sure that your HVAC system is functioning at peak efficiency at all times. How can you identify potential issues before costly repairs need to be made later?

Infrared imaging is a great way to find any HVAC issues while minor repairs can be made. With early detection, being able to fix minor problems before anything actually breaks will save you thousands of dollars down the road.

Anything mechanical will need periodic maintenance. An infrared home inspection will allow you to see warning signs for components that aren’t functioning properly. It’s amazing how the detection of small temperature differences can point out faulty connections or components so easily. Replacing these components or repairing these connections quickly will allow you to keep your HVAC system running smoothly and make it so that maintenance will be easier, less time-consuming, and less costly.

In the home inspection industry, thermal or infrared imaging cameras have become extremely valuable and well-established as tools that can detect a wide variety of issues. They are invaluable in checking HVAC air flow or malfunctions in your radiant heating. While you’re at it, these cameras can also detect insufficient or missing insulation, building envelope issues, and other equipment issues.

From your AC condenser unit to your circuit panels to your boiler, infrared imaging can troubleshoot even the most minor issues. Many HVAC repair technicians are using infrared imaging devices on a regular basis. As part of an overall home inspection, infrared inspectors are giving you a great deal by checking your entire home, not just your HVAC system. The smallest air leaks, water leaks, or electrical shorts can be found with thermal imaging, no matter where they are, inside or outside.

Infrared inspections are becoming one of the most valuable tools in home repair. Not only are they good to find issues, but they also can be done after repairs are made to ensure that the fixes did the job. If you think that your HVAC system or other systems in your home may not be functioning properly, it’s definitely worth scheduling an infrared home inspection to find out.

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